Wednesday, December 20, 2006

More self-re-programming progress

Found myself cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Following my muse is interesting - sometimes I wake from dreams with a complete script going. I write this down, but then have no "time" to do the artwork I should really be doing.

But what I "should really be doing" is actually wrapping up and finishing off the old lives I've led to this point. I'm still one foot stuck in marketing my books, which will continue as I go through the rest of this life.

But on "The Secret" DVD is a Feng Shui teacher, who says the physical environment can hold one back. So I cleaned out my shelves and only kept the stuff I thought would be interesting for later study - that I could still get something out of. I wound up with boxes of books to donate to the library (right now they are weight in the back of my truck for the rest of winter). I also have around a 5 foot stack (literally) of paper left over from college, which is trash or will wind up as tinder for starting the stove in the barn this winter.

On this DVD is also Jack Canfield, who says that all the past up to now is "So What?" and the real what is what are you going to do with the rest of it. Since what you thought before this point is what you are experiencing now, then only changing your current thoughts will change that now into something you would prefer.

The trick, as Joseph Campbell stated, is to "follow your bliss". This is hand-in-glove with your intuition and those feelings which bring you peace. If something is irritating you, take action and solve it.

One intuitive point I constantly get is, "Clean Your Room." So, I do. The only great point about this is that it is bringing my far more peace than I thought it would. There is something to be said for an orderly environment.

Little by little, I am being lead (or leading myself) to a more productive space. I'm getting rid of stuff which is destractive and what I don't throw out, I'm reorganizing so that I can either access it readily, or at least make it look nice until I can get to it.

What I want as an end result is an environment which either simply are tools to create my art or are inspiration or exploration leading to inspiration. Farming, for instance, is not readily available on the web. Those sites I've already found useful have been mirrored to my hard-drives so that they can be searched. Otherwise, I am left with researching through some old and very old/reprinted books which tell me data of an earlier, simpler time where organic was the norm, not the exception. But that is only one of my part-time jobs. Left for the remainder of the day is my art and my writing/marketing.

With this room cleaned up, I am able to just have an organized room which is set for servicing the muse when she appears. That is another story and another post.

For right now, I use these last few days before Christmas to enjoy the company of my relatives and to polish my cleanup.

But that's the world I'm living in, as I continue to reprogram my life.

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