Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Forget your problems - create a new world instead!

You want to go from problem-solver to world-builder. That's the big change to make. You can solve yours and others'problems forever. The universe - as it's been created - creates endless problems to solve. And you can be very satisfied and happy with your solutions - and these can better peoples' lives.

However, your own world can be far better than this. It can be whatever you want it to be. You see, when you solve problems, you are operating at the effect of the problem-creator. Someone or something created those problems. You solve them, great - you're a hero. The problem-creator then serves up their next one and the game begins again.

Now, when you create your own world, you can have one where the problems stay solved and you don't have any new ones coming up. You move over into constantly creating improved versions of things around you. You start living the world of your dreams. What you've always wanted to happen, to achieve, to acquire - all these things start appearing around you.

And how you move from one to the other is all on that DVD, "The Secret". It's all in Nightingales classic recording "The Strangest Secret". It's all in "Think and Grow Rich", "The Science of Getting Rich", "Master Key System" - and a few other books.

But in order to know what you are all about, in order to create the world of your dreams - you have to get the concept and do the actions which are laid out in these references TOWARD THAT GOAL. You don't stop at just getting rich, having that nice car, living a life of ease. You have to continue on down that line until your whole world is just the way you want it to be.

That means the people around you have to change - but you can only change people through education, example, your gifts. You could possibly get enough fish through your own efforts to feed yourself and a few others. But it you taught everyone around you how to fish - everyone could eat well and you would live a life of comparative ease as a teacher of fishermen, if that's what you wanted.

So it takes some figuring out. How to get from here to there. But the answers will come to you as you trust your intuition to provide them. You will gradually move over from problem-solver to world-creator as you do.

And that is why I wrote this. To bring you along on the journey. It's a much brighter path than the ones we've been travelling so long.

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