Tuesday, December 05, 2006

How Magic Works in Your Life

The Secret DVD is a real classic. In this movie, you are told all about the Secret to life. Part of this is the magic which envelopes you on a daily basis – if only you can tap into its power.

What is the Secret?

The Secret is the Law of Attraction. In simple terms, Like attracts Like. According the ancient philosophy of Huna, their first principle is: The world is what you think it is.

That means everything you wish for – and wish fervently for – comes true. While I and others have covered this in great detail (get that DVD above for the real master course in this subject), here are some notes taken from a single chapter out of that movie.

Having magic occur routinely in your life is no different than crossing the street safely. If you know the rules and apply them, you can do it safely every time. You can put walking and street crossing on automatic, not even thinking about how to get from here to there in a city. You can then spend your time walking in great conversation, solving a problem at work, or appreciating the world around you. Attracting the things you really want in life is just that simple, just as easily put on automatic. Once you've established this pattern in your own life, you are on the way to creating bigger and better creations. There is no limit to what you can potentially manifest in your life.

There is a very simple creative process outlined there.

The Creative Process:

  1. Ask,

  2. Believe,

  3. Receive.

Really, this is just using the Universe as a catalog, as Joe Vitale explains it. You just place your order for what you want. You can have anything that you want, really. If you really have faith in how your thoughts create your world, it will show up. If you want more cash, a better job, a certain type of person in your life – simply ask for that specific amount of money, that particular job, that certain person. Believe you have it, and then get into the feeling that you already have it.

This works just as well for little things as it does for great things. A cup of coffee manifests as simply as a new building. If you look around your life, you can probably find things which occur around you because you've thought about having it earlier that day or that week. Part of looking and finding these things is the practice of developing your faith.

A Feeling Universe

This is a universe of feeling. You have to believe with your whole heart and have faith in yourself and your creations. The important part is to be grateful, to feel yourself as you do when you receive that gift – every day is your best Christmas.

Faith is essentially built by feeling good about it. Napoleon Hill had this built up with auto-suggestion, which is essentially making and memorizing your goal, then repeating it over and over to yourself. This is a useful truth. Others in this DVD tell you to keep your vision in front of you constantly. Every day look over that vision of what you want to accomplish and get into the feeling of having it. Eventually, this becomes nearly automatic.

And your feeling good, having that great feeling of having things needs to become automatic. This is that when you feel good, good things happen to you. If you allow yourself to feel bad, then negative things happen around and to you. Get on the positive side of life – not just thinking positive, but feeling positive.

Fill your life with action

The trick is to fill your world with action. When you get some hint, some intuitive nudge – act on it. Nothing happens, nothing is given without giving. Work this whole scene over in your mind and act from the impulses you receive there. When you start looking for things to happen, you will find odd coincidences happening around you. Keep note of these coincidences and validate them, be grateful for them. They will then start appearing in greater frequency. That is what you are looking for.

You may do the simple thing of giving away things in your life which you no longer have any use for. Go through your books and donate those ones you basically have no further use for. Give them to charity, to the local library. Stream line your world around you. Particularly get rid of stuff that makes you feel sad or upset. Surround yourself with stuff that makes you feel inspired, which makes you feel good, which makes you feel inspired.

Start living from your purpose – which is finding those things in your life which make you feel good. If you like to play sports, then do this. If you like to draw, regardless of whether anyone says what you draw is good or whatever – if you like to do it, if it brings you peace: do it. Your purpose in life is whatever you say it is. It is what brings you peace, what makes you feel good – all the time.

Then the magic starts happening in your life. Work only from what makes you feel good, the visions you hold as important to your life. Act on the inspirations you receive as you go. As you act with integrity, your life will continue to feel better and better – and you will surround yourself with more and more things which support that basic purpose you have for your life.

The way to get magic into your life, surrounding you:
  • Decide what you want,

  • Believe you already have it with all your heart,

  • Feel in yourself that feeling of having received it.

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Links: The Secret DVD, Haanel's Master Key System, Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, Wattle's Science of Getting Rich, Allen's As a Man Thinketh.

Dr. Robert C. Worstell has researched and studied in the field of counseling and personal improvement for over 35 years. He is the author of the successful “Go Thunk YourselfTM” series, along with editing numerous collections of self-help classics, and maintaining numerous blogs in this area.

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